Adam Gray


Developing for iOS

Most of my exposure to front end applications has been via web technologies (JS/HTML/CSS/etc). I’d done a tiny bit of iOS programming when I worked at Zendesk, but not enough to build a real app. I wanted a way of tracking calories but without all the bells and whistles that exist in the standard fare of health apps. I built adipose to be the minimalist calorie tracker that I’d actually use.

Building Adipose let me work with Swift, SwiftUI, Xcode, the incredibly tedious Apple Developer process, as well as build marketing materials and share them to platforms like product hunt and X. It was a really interesting experience to come from such an open environment (the web) into a really closed and controlled developer experience. There were genuinely some benefits I’d never have expected, SwiftUI was a genuine pleasure to use. I commited to following the rule of law (as defined by apple) and my experience building adipose was pretty frictionless. I still can’t believe how easy it was to use