Adam Gray



I’ve heard how C requires you to be a good programmer, it doesn’t provide any guard rails or safety of any sort. I wanted to find out how true this was, so took it as an opportunity to learn. I’d been playing a lot of slay the spire so decided to try and build a clone of that game using C. I couldn’t be bothered to be creative, so built a clone called okaythespire with C and SDL2. It gave me a tonne of exposure to memory management, imperative programming and all that other gubbins.

I wanted to actually get this fully deployed, so not only did I have it running via the command line, but I also created a script in the Makefile to package it (manually) into a MacOS app. I’ve got an Apple Developer account so I was able to sign the package and share it with some friends. Honestly this game is barely even a game, I stopped working on it after my break. BUT, it gave me a great project to experiment with C, including dependencies, building for MacOS, and much more!

The latest experiement with this app is an attempt to utilize emscripten to compile this to webassembly, so that it can run in browser!
